Кто-нибудь когда-нибудь призовет Александра Глебыча к ответу за то, что он нагло врет? Например “бытовые неудобства” евреев в Египте: это что же, указ об уничтожении всех новорожденных мальчиков...
View ArticleHusserl: Imagination
In Ideas 1, for the thousandth time arguing against psychological roots of pure knowledge. What about the “bathing centaur” objection? Well, true, this thing does not exist and is entirely a product of...
View ArticleIndifference
Hegellian Gleichgültigkeit is the basic principle for a great relationship with humanity. This is true indifference, just an absolute “0″ with no positive or negative. In such a state it is unclear...
View ArticleГегель, диалектика
Дядя из хорошего университета объясняет в он-лайн лекции людям гегелевскую диаликтику за 10 минут. Вот, говорит, в юности вы хотели стать космонавтом, потом немного подросли и решили стать, там,...
View ArticleЛатынина. Зачем Ахиллу Брисеида
Латынина. Зачем Ахиллу Брисеида Не вполне согласен в плане рождаются или не рождаются геями (по-моему научно все таки еще ни в ту ни в другую сторону особо не доказано), но главная мысль ясна и...
View ArticleKierkegaard (Nietzsche, Schopenhauer)
These three are oddballs in philosophy and I have a hard time understanding what the big deal is. The first two whine and the last one spouts. Yet for some reason they are incessantly quoted or...
View ArticlePrinted Guns and Hegel
Looking at some reactions to printed guns – they are all of knee-jerk type at this point. Some people are scared, some are not. Those who are not bring up many reasons: the technology is woefully...
View ArticleГлупость, Аристотель…
Даже самые светлые в мире умы Не смогли разогнать окружающей тьмы, Рассказали нам несколько сказочек на ночь, И отправились мудрые спать, как и мы. Прислали мне ссылку , и я там увидел первый же...
View ArticleBulbul
This is pronounced “boolbool” according to Webster http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/bulbul. A lookup of the word соловей (nightingale) in the dictionary by a linguist acquaintance yielded this...
View ArticleCoolest Visualization Ever
Coolest Visualization Ever John Snow’s investigation of Broad Street cholera outbreak was a stroke of genius. He used this map to clearly show that cholera is spread through contaminated drinking water.
View ArticleГениально
Время наше будет знаменито, Тем что сотворило пользы ради, Новый вариант гермафродита: Плотью мужики, а духом – бляди! (Губерман)
View ArticleEmotional Life in a Neurobiological Age: On Wonder
http://www.cornell.edu/video/emotional-life-in-a-neurobiological-age-on-wonder Catherine Malabou discusses the connection between the biological and the symbolic: the brain and the mind.
View ArticleLa marque du sacré
J’ai l’intime conviction que notre monde va droit à la catastrophe. Le chemin sur lequel s’avance l’humanité est suicidaire Je parle de la catastrophe au singulier, non pour désigner un événement...
View ArticleArticle 0
” Žižek proceeds to connect this to a certain Lacanian version of the death drive…: insofar as the denaturalization of nature brought about by the sociocultural overwriting of vital being involves the...
View ArticleEthics, Life, Kant, Sade
Stumbled across this Juvenal quote in the introduction to Zupančič’s Ethics of the Real: Summum crede nefas animam praeferre pudori et propter vitam vivendi perdere causas. [(you should) Hold it top...
View ArticleWay to make the English language really hop.
Throughout their life, so calm, so peaceful, Sweet old tradition was preserved: For them, in Butterweek the greaseful, Russian pancakes were always served; Two times a year they’d make their fast,...
View ArticleGays, Zionism, Liberals
A reader’s review of Precarious Life by Judith Butler’s on Amazon: I have admired and enjoyed earlier works by Judith Butler, but this one came at, for her and this book, a most unpropitious moment in...
View ArticleA la guerre….
A brilliant end of the chapter L’infini in Le siècle of Alain Badiou! Speaking about the war of the century, a war for “the univocation of the Real, against the equivocations of the imaginary”. An idea...
View ArticleGoal of Psychoanalysis
Freud often insists that we should not mistake the latent thoughts that the analysis unearths under the manifest content for the unconscious desire itself, in persona-those latent thoughts pertain to...
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